The 2023 Environmental Education Pack includes an overview of key topics to investigate, and links to information and resources on activities to explore at home or in the classroom, excursions & incursions, artwork inspiration, recommended books and curriculum links.

For enquiries contact Mundaring Arts Centre Creative Learning Coordinator Alida Cappelletta: 08 9250 8062 |


Video Tutorials | Backyard Biodiversity with Angela Rossen

Join Angela Rossen Artist and Biodiversity Educator to learn about Backyard Biodiversity and what that means for native gardens and what’s in the soil. Angela will also show you how to transform what you’ve learnt into an engaging artwork to be submitted into the 2022 Environmental Art Project. These three short videos are perfect for learning about Backyard Biodiversity and creating an artwork in the home or classroom.

Native Gardens

Join Angela to learn all about creating a thriving native garden that will encourage biodiversity in your own backyard.

Soil Biodiversity

Get up close with worms and critters that live in the soil. Angela will show you how you can increase soil biodiversity in your vegetable gardens, which need different nutrients than native plants.

Creating an Artwork

Angela explores how to transform what you've learnt about Backyard Biodiversity into an artwork that is engaging and effectively communicates your message.


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